Monday, August 28, 2006

Google AdSense Tips

Google AdSense Tips

If you like these tips, be sure to check out my AdSense book, Make Easy Money with Google: Using the AdSense Advertising Program, from Peachpit Press. See for details. The book was mentioned in an article about AdSense in USA Today.
As explained in Why are ads displayed on this site?, most of the pages on this site display text ads from Google's AdWords program. To display these ads, a site must join Google's AdSense program. Joining is free, but not all sites are eligible to join. Once you're accepted, however, it's very simple to place the ads on your pages and to start generating revenue for your site. AdSense will serve ads that are generally very relevant to the content of a particular page. Here are some tips based on my experiences so far with the AdSense program.

Tip #1: Don't put ads on empty pages.

When I reworked my site, I built a skeleton set of pages that had no content, just titles and some meta tags. I displayed ads on those pages, however. Although all you see are public service ads at first, the very act of displaying ads on a page causes the AdSense web crawler to quickly fetch that page for analysis. A page with good content will thus begin showing relevant paying ads fairly quickly.
If you don't have any content, then, Google will have to guess as what your page is about. It may guess wrong, and so the ads that it displays may not be relevant. You'll have to wait until Google re-crawls the site for the ads to correct themselves. Here is what Google had to say when I asked them about how often the AdSense crawler updates a site:
Thank you for taking the time to update your site. New ads will start appearing on your site the next time our crawler re-indexes your site. Unfortunately at this time, we are unable to control how often our crawlers index the content on your site.
Crawling is done automatically by our bots. When new pages are added to your website or introduced to the AdSense program, our crawlers will usually get to them within 30 minutes. If you make changes to a page, however, it may take up to 2 or 3 weeks before the changes are reflected in our index. Until we are able to crawl your web pages, you may notice public service ads, for which you will not receive any earnings.
It's better to flesh out the page before you start displaying ads on it.

Tip #2: Don't be afraid to ask questions

If you're wondering about something, don't be afraid to ask Google. So far, they've always responded to my questions within a working day. There are two email addresses to use, depending on the type of question:
Please feel free to email us at if you have additional technical questions or concerns. For general program or account questions, please email
Their responses are always very polite, and they appreciate getting problem reports and suggestions.

Tip #3: Avoid non-English characters on English pages

This one is a bug, to be honest. My surname is French, and I prefer to write it out correctly with the accent grave on the first "e". Every page on my site would then include at least two accented letters, because my name shows up twice in the footer. On some pages my name shows up two or three more times.
Normally, this wouldn't be an issue. But on some pages the presence of the accented characters is enough to cause AdSense to display non-relevant ads in French. This happens whether the browser indicates a preference for French or not.

Tip #4: Check your keyword density

Although Google doesn't release exact details as to how they determine the ads to serve on a given page, they do tell us that it's the text content of the page that matters, not the meta tags. Before serving ads on a page, then, you might want to check its keyword density. A good, free tool for doing this is found here:
This lets you fine-tune the page before exposing it to the AdSense crawler.

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Adsense: Why Bloggers Don't Get It

Adsense: Why Bloggers Don't Get It

In doing the research for my series of Adsense articles, two common ideas kept getting repeated:
My Adsense ads are horrible, they only pay out (insert low dollar figure here)
My Adsense CTR is horrible, I only get a (insert extremely low CTR here)
To be fair these comments weren’t coming just from bloggers, but bloggers did make up an overwhelmingly large percentage. I think this stems from a misconception on the part of the bloggers that they are entitled to high payout and CTR. I’d like to spend a little time to share my feelings on this subject. In the early days a blog may just have been an online diary or journal, but like the days of the Nehru jackets, they are gone. What a blog is now is Chronologically Structured Content Management System, as opposed to the classic web hierarchical structured implementation. Let’s be clear, you can still use a blog as your online diary or journal, but nowdays it’s just as likely to be used as a commercial blog. Yes, I did just say commercial blog, and no the earth didn’t open under my feet and swallow me whole for saying it. Let’s take some time to look at a your typical blog.

You may post about commercial related subjects like your job, what you like to buy, or even your hobbies. However these posts are all about your life, they are no more commercially viable or attractive than say Aunt Millie’s Holiday Newsletter. Yes we all have an Aunt Millie in our family, every year she sends out a finely crafted newsletter in a coordinating envelope she ordered from telling us all about her family. We learn how hard her husband works, how many activities her kids are in and how good they are at them. We also read the details of how her scrapbooking business hasn’t taken off yet, but she promises to spend more time on it right after New Years. So if you were a business owner would you want to advertise anywhere on Aunt Millie’s Newsletter? Then why would a business want to pay you top dollar to advertise on your blog? What’s that, you say your blog gets (insert a high number here) of readers per day, surely that has to be worth something? Well did you know Aunt Millie sends out over 800 copies of her holiday newsletter to 17 countries, on 4 continents? Now before you get all fired up about it, understand that I don’t have a problem with you having a personal blog or sharing it with the public. However your expectation that it has value outside of your family/friends/community, is a serious misconception.

So what exactly is a commercially viable blog? Don’t think of it as publishing a blog, think of it as publishing an online magazine. You need to start out with good content or articles about a small area or niche topic. You will need lots of content, and unless you are well known, don’t expect much to happen until you’ve written at least 100 and more likely over 200 articles. Yes you will have to devote some time and effort to publicizing and marketing it as well. Once you’ve got a significant focused reader base, that’s the time to slowly ad in the advertising. Now here’s the one that causes lots of people to freak out. BE PREPARED TO GIVE UP SOME PRIME SCREEN REAL ESTATE, IN THE CENTER, ABOVE THE FOLD, TO ADVERTISING. If you’ve worked with print media at all you will know the middle of the right hand page is the most desirable spot inside of a magazine (excluding the cover pages). I’ve sat through meetings where people have said ” … you know we need more right hand pages …”. If you want people to click on your ads, you will need put them where they can see them, above the fold in the center of the screen, in a prominent location. Yes I can almost here the keys typing for the flame comments and emails now. Before you hit that send button though, ask yourself this, are you building a space sough after by advertisers, or are you working on Aunt Millie’s Newsletter? No I don’t think your pages should be filled with ads, in fact quite the opposite, there should always be more content than advertising, ALWAYS!

Next thing, lose the fancy graphics and eye-candy from your template. Yes I know you may have paid for a fancy template, maybe you had your niece who’s a graphic artist design something for you, or you really like the way that spinning flaming platypus looks in your page header. Here’s the thing, it’s detracting from your content. Graphics should be simple, understated, and support the content, not overpower or compete with it. Now before some art student wearing a beret, corduroy jacket with elbow patches, and smoking a pipe or French cigarette, writes and calls me a Philistine, stop and think. Are you designing a commercially attractive and viable space, or are you designing an intricate macrame border for Aunt Millie’s Newsletter? Remember keep it simple and to the point.

Yes I know you feel like I just ripped off the band-aid, and now it hurts. Sorry but someone had to do it. I know some of you are still out there reading saying ‘but can’t I still have this … do we have to get rid of this … I really like that …’. Well I’m not your second grade teacher who’s going to tell you everything’s all right, that you don’t have to change a thing, and put a scooby-doo sticker on your shirt to make you feel better. If you want a blog that makes you more money than you spend at Starbucks every Tuesday, you will need to get serious about what you’re doing.

If none of this sounds incredibly fun, and really sounds pretty close to actual work, here’s the way I see it, getting an Adsense check for $5 is fun, getting an Adsense check for $500 or $5000 is work.

Disclaimers:I don’t actually have an Aunt Millie, she’s a fictional character. But like you, I do have relatives who send out holiday newsletters.
Yes I know the minimum Adsense payment is $100, so you never could get a $5 check, but I was just making a point, mmkay?

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Maximize Revenue with AdSense

Maximize Revenue with AdSense

1.The five keys to maximize revenue with AdSense are:
2.Earn more per click (while maintaining relevancy)
3.Have more pages that display ads
4.Get your visitors to view more pages that display ads
5.Improve your 'click through' rate

Get more qualified traffic to your site
Here are 10 easy tips to help you achieve these keysand maximize revenue with AdSense:
Maximize Revenue with AdSense --

Tip #1:Get started now!
It is extremely easy to generating revenue with Google AdSense. After you're accepted to the program, just add a few lines of html code to your site (Google shows you how once you're accepted) -- and voila!
Within a few minutes, your site will begin displaying ads, and so you can start making money. Each day you wait means revenue lost. So, do it now.
Maximize Revenue with AdSense --

Tip #2:Create more content pages for your site -- and display ads on these pages.
All else being equal, the more pages you have displaying ads, the more money you'll earn.
If you already have a website, display ads on more pages.
And create more great content pages. We recommend that you focus on creating pages (and sites) on topics you have a passion for. You'll find more on creating AdSense content pages in

Tip #.
It's especially useful if these content pages are very clearly focused. Then, Google will be able to serve highly relevant ads to your visitors. This means your visitors will be more interested in the ads, which results in higher click through rates -- and more money for you!
Maximize Revenue with AdSense --

Tip #3:Whenever possible, use higher paying keywords.
Obviously, you'll earn more if the average ad that Google displays pays more per click.
The question is: how do you get Google to display higher paying keywords?
Let's first talk about what you shouldn't do: Don't create pages on unrelated keywords just because they pay more. In other words, don't create a page on 'valium' on your roof repair site just because 'valium' pays more than 'roof shingles.'
You may be wondering how you know what keywords pay best. If you're a Google AdWords advertiser, you can log into your AdWords account and experiment.
If you're not an AdWords advertiser, one way to find this out is to use a free tool at the pay-per-click search engine, Yahoo Search Marketing (formerly Overture).
This tool allows you to see what advertisers are paying on Yahoo Search Marketing for each keyword. Granted, there are certainly differences between keyword pricing at Yahoo Search Marketing and Google. Yet, this tool can give you a general idea of which keywords will pay more than others.
(Also, remember that you will be sharing revenue with Google, so you will earn a portion of the amount the advertiser pays for each click.)
Visit our page on Internet marketing recommended resources to learn how to use this Yahoo Search Marketing tool, as well as finding other useful keyword tools.
In our example above, when you use this Yahoo Search Marketing tool, you'll see that if you type in 'roof shingles,' the maximum price is about $0.13.

(Note: this may change by the time you view this page since it is a dynamic system.) 'Valium,' on the other hand, right now has a maximum price of $4.12. Quite a difference!
Maximize Revenue with AdSense --

Tip #4:Create new pages with higher paying keywords (while maintaining relevancy).
Sometimes, selecting different keywords on the same topic can create a substantial difference in how much you earn.
For example, let's say you have a gardening site and you want to create some new pages.
By carefully selecting which topics to focus on first, you can dramatically increase your income.
For example, using the Yahoo Search Marketing tool mentioned above, you discover that 'water gardening' currently has a maximum price of $0.50, while 'gardening zone' is only $0.05. That means you can earn 10 times more by creating a page on 'water gardening' than 'gardening zones'!
You can use this information to decide which relevant keywords to focus on as you create new pages for your site.
Maximize Revenue with AdSense --

Tip #5:Create a new site on high paying keywords.
If you want to create a brand new site to take advantage of Google AdSense, you may want to select a topic with high paying keywords.
Then, of course, provide great information on that topic.
But how do you know what the highest paying keywords are?
One tool you can use comes from the pay-per-click search engine, 7Search. 7Search has a page on the 100 highest paying keywords. Unfortunately, it often 'times out' and gives you an error when you try to access the page. So you may need to be patient and try several times to get this list.
An even better suggestion, though, for building a new site is to use Ken Evoy's Site Build It tools. We have now SBI for two successful sites -- it's an excellent tool.
You can find more useful keyword tools on our Internet marketing recommended resources page.
Maximize Revenue with AdSense --

Tip #6:Get more qualified traffic to your site.
It makes sense that if you get more qualified visitors to your site, more people will naturally click on the displayed ads, and you'll earn more.
We offer some of the best available resources on how to get more qualified traffic to your site on our Internet marketing recommended resources page
Maximize Revenue with AdSense --

Tip #7:Consider creating some pages for high search engine traffic, others to sell products, and still others for Google AdSense.
Recognize that different pages on your site can have different purposes. For example, some pages may be designed to sell specific products. Others may be designed to rank high in the search engines (but don't ever try to trick the search engines). Still others can be designed for Google AdSense.
Once you know which pages you're creating for AdSense, select an appropriate keyword (or key phrase).
Use the keyword as the file name and don't put dashes or any separators between the words . In the example above, you would use the file name 'watergardening.html' for your water gardening page.
Ideally, select keywords that are the highest paying keyword on the topic. By tweaking the file name, you may be able to improve your AdSense results dramatically.
The next tip will explain how to create a great AdSense page.
Maximize Revenue with AdSense --

Tip #8:Create high quality information pages.
An AdSense page should have great content about a very specific topic. Be very clear about what the topic is, and carefully choose the keyword (or key phrase) describing the topic.
Never try to 'trick' AdSense. Don't create a page on one topic and give it a file name about a different topic.
Above all, make sure the page you create offers great value to people interested in the topic. When you provide excellent information on a specific topic, your visitors will benefit and will be more likely to click through to relevant ads.
Maximize Revenue with AdSense --

Tip #9:Choose the best format.
As Google recommends, choose the best performing formats to display your ads. Don't use the Banner format, because people have become "banner blind" to a horizontal format.
Google has created an excellent page of optimization tips -- check it out.
Maximize Revenue with AdSense --

Tip #10:Display ads prominently.
We recommend that you follow the optimization tapes from Google described above. Make sure there is enough "breathing room" -- i.e. white space around the ads -- so that they will easily attract your visitors.
Maximize Revenue with AdSense --

Tip #11:Don't cheat.
Do not click on the ads displayed on your own site to increase your revenue. Google (rightfully) frowns on this.
Plus, Google has some of the smartest engineers around, and they are very good at detecting this kind of fraud.
If you cheat, you'll likely get kicked out of the AdSense program -- and then you won't earn anything.
In summary, these strategies can help you maximize your revenue from Google AdSense. Plus, you'll have a lot of fun creating content pages on topics you have a passion for.
If you haven't done so yet, check out our free AdSense Web Tool to preview what Google ads will be displayed.

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How AdSense™ really works

How AdSense™ really works

AdSense is in effect an affiliate program for Google’s AdWords ads: instead of Google selling space on its search results pages (see Sponsored Ads when you next do a search), it sells space on your web pages for you.
So it is important to understand the AdWords system (which in any case is an essential internet skill) and not just because every single cent of the money you earn from AdSense comes from AdWords.
Google AdWords
Google AdWords are small text-only ads that often appear on the right hand side or top of Google’s search results page when you do a search. They are extraordinarily powerful - much more so than you’d think at first sight - for 4 reasons.

They are 100% targeted: the advertiser chooses which keywords have to be entered before their ad is shown. This means that you can make your ad appear only in front of people actively looking for information about a topic.
You sell binoculars?Then you can set up your AdWords ads so that they show up only when someone enters "Binoculars" into Google’s search box. You can also restrict your ad coverage to specific countries or even cities so you can focus your advertising budget geographically too.

If you wanted, you could decide only to advertise your binoculars to people living in Western Samoa even if you lived in Montana!
You only pay for click throughs. If no one clicks on your ad you don’t pay anything.
The amount you pay depends on 2 factors. The amount you bid for the keyword that triggered the display of your ad, and the success your ad has in attracting clicks.
The more you bid for a keyword to trigger the display of your ad, the higher it will rank on the page when that keyword is entered by someone.
The more your ad attracts clicks, the higher it will rank on the page too. (What this system does is move popular ads to the top of the page and thus it automatically makes sure that people tend to see the ads that they find most interesting.)
Google also gives advertisers incredibly detailed near real-time campaign data so you can monitor and adjust your ads without wasting much money. Small changes in your ad, including Capitalising the first letter of some words, can have a Big Impact on your click through rates which can help reduce your click costs.

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How to maximise your AdSense profits

How to maximise your AdSense profits

10 factors determine how much profit you will make from your AdSense participation.
How much traffic your site gets
How many pages on your site host AdSense ads
What the click thru rate from each page is
What the value of each click is
How many ads appear on each page
Where these ads are located
What format these ads are in - size, location, layout and color scheme
Google's fractional pay out rate
How much of your site's traffic is from new as opposed to repeat visitors.
How valuable Google regards your site.
To maximise your site's profits from AdSense you ideally should optimise all these factors. However, some are out of your control: Google's fractional payout rate for example. This is the percentage of the revenue that Google earns from a click that it passes on to you.
Google doesn't tell you it's payout rate at present but you can run an experiment to find out what it is.
How to measure the Google AdSense payout rate
Set up an ad for an obscure fictional product such as a "frilltribbler"
Create a web page dedicated to that product and nothing else - make sure you put your product name in the metatags, the page title and the headings and then make up some wording about the product in the body of the page
Sign up that page for AdSense and create a separate channel to monitor earnings off that page
Create an AdWords ad for that product and select content-targeting for the AdGroup you place the ad in
Wait for your ad to appear on your site
Visit the page and click on your ad
Check your AdSense earnings for that ad
Check your AdWords account for that ad
Compare the two
Optimising the factors that affect your AdSense income could take you some time so what you should focus on initially are the factors that are going to work in your favor most quickly with the minimum effort.

How AdSense™ really worksInternet Training AdSense
First, here’s a very brief outline of exactly how AdSense works:
You sign up for AdSense with Google, and, if you are accepted, Google will start placing ads on your web pages.
If someone on your site sees an ad and clicks on it they leave your site.
Google charges the advertiser for the click and shares this money with you.
The Ads you get on your web pages are relevant to your visitors - a process that happens automatically.
The AdSense program is a lot more complicated than outlined here but this gives you a quick overview and even though AdSense has developed massively since it was launched it remains easy to use and it is a remarkably simple way of making money with your website or even with your blog. You don't need to be a sophisticated web marketer to start earning money.
So how much money can you make with AdSense?
The amount you can earn per click varies enormously from a few cents to many dollars. Get your AdSense participation right and you can make several dollars a click! We will look at why different ads are worth different amounts later in this course.
The beauty of the system is that once you've set it up, it just carries on making money for your automatically and, as you'll see later on, you can start very quickly without spending any money on a website too if you haven't already got one.
Let's get going then.

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Google AdSense

How to Cheat Google AdSense- by Satish

If you want to know how to cheat AdSense, here are the ways, focusing on the AdSense click-frauds. These covers from basic AdSense cheating techniques to the advanced class.

  1. Basic clicker cheat

This is a noob. This guy knows almost nothing about web technology or network architecture. He clicks on his ads every time he has chance. It can be a few clicks to hundreds of clicks daily. Most likely he doesn’t even read the AdSense Program Policies and Terms and Conditions.

2.Proxy clicker cheat

She knows a thing or two about cookies and IP address. Or she doesn’t know, but somehow guessed that if she use the things called anonymizer, Google will not be able to trace her, because her identity is hidden. She may use anonymizer / proxy websites or specialized anonymous software like tor (The Onion Router).

3.Multiple computer clicker cheat

He knows that somehow Google will detect if the clicks are originated from his own computer. So he will try to even out origin of the clicks. He will recruit his friends, family members, relatives, neighbors, his cats, and his dogs on single mission: to click on the ads. He will also click on the AdSense ads when he is using the library computers, or his office workstation.

4.Software clicker cheat

Graduate to the next step is buyers of clickbots / click-bots. These are specialized robot software to click on AdSense ads. It will browse around your websites, clicking on the ads every few minutes. The more advanced ones will cloak the IP address too, so the website seems to be very popular worldwide. To cover the track, this clickbots will browse around the advertisers sites too while continuing its “click quest”.

5.Paid-clickers cheat

If you don’t like automated things, there is always other option for you. Just pay $50 dollars a month to the professional AdSense clickers. These are groups of highly specialized Internet surfers with office in the dark rooms in street corners of India, Pakistan, and China, helping AdSense account owner to earn good amounts of money – before the AdSense account is disabled, that is. They will browse around your websites, clicking on the ads every few minutes. Because they use human eyes, they know which ads worth more. And to be more convincing they can click a link or two, or sign up free offers / newsletters on the advertiser sites.

6.Click-rings cheat

Network is power. So says many business gurus. Instead of taking things to their own hand, this people realize that they can join hands with those with similar goals and distribute AdSense clicks among themselves, the so called AdSense click-rings. Joining this click-ring network means that your website address will be made known to members, who will regularly browse the website and click on your AdSense ads. In exchange, you will also browse other members’ sites and click on their AdSense ads. The medium used varies. Some click-ring groups use mail-list for communications. Some are using bulletin boards/forum, Yahoo groups, or Usenet. IRC is another popular way. Slightly more complicated is specialized AdSense exchange software for collecting members website address and displaying others’ websites for clicking.

7.Other medium cheat

I have tens of thousands email address on my newsletter subscriber list. If I include AdSense ads on my newsletters, with 5% CTR, I can get a thousand clicks per one email. Not bad. Or I can pay someone to write some useful/nice/funny/cute toolbars or firefox extensions or screensavers that people can download and use for free, and display my AdSense ads there.

8.Visitor cheat

Simply putting “Visit out sponsors” or “Check out the ads above” on your website is cheating. This might not be very clear-cut cheat to some. But Google AdSense program policies has stated clearly, the only text allowed are “Advertisements” or “Sponsored List”

9.Spam cheat

This is the highest level all click-frauds, the Maestro of Fraudsters. She spams millions of emails regularly, offering to “satisfy your inner needs if you can help me check on the links on my website”. Of course, email is not the only way. What IRC and instant messaging (IM) are for, after all. She will look for unsuspecting victims, offering something too-good-to-be-true “if only they will visit the website and click on the links”.

10.Click-through-rate cheat

Whichever method(s) above used, there is one limiting condition: the CTR(click-though-rate). Any CTR that exceeds certain percentage (probably around 10%) will raise red flag in Google AdSense back room. To lower the CTR, the professional cheaters will create some pages on the same domain that attracts very high traffic. Some interesting freebies will sure do the tricks. AdSense code is pasted there, thus creating a very high page impressions. Whether or not the the ads are clicked does not matter anyway, because they are targeting low paying keyword that does not have much competition. The fake clicks are, of course on the big money is, the low traffic pages that is stuffed with high-paying keywords.

Disclaimer: I am not saying that these will work. Most likely, you will get your AdSense account disabled - and you get banned from ever applying for AdSense account again – before you can even get your first paycheck. To see what other ways you can do to get banned, see How To Get Banned From Google AdSense.

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What is Google AdSense?

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense provides bloggers and webmasters with an easy way to turn your blog or website into a profitable investment. Whether you receive 100 visitors a day or 10,000 visitors a day, Google AdSense is the best available option to monetize your blog or website.

Google AdSense is a contextual advertising program, which means the ads displayed on your blog or site are relevant to your content. Say goodbye to the days of having a template cluttered with ringtone and get rich fast ads. Because your ads are relevant to the interests of your visitors, you not only have the ability to monetize your site, but you can also enhance the experience your visitors have while visiting your site.

To qualify for AdSense, all you need to do is fill out a short application and submit it to Google. Once your site or blog is approved by Google, you can begin creating your custom ads. Once you've created your ads, place the HTML in your template, follow Google's terms of service, and enjoy!

Although signing up for AdSense is an easy process, it is not a get rich fast scheme. If you want to learn how to create a profitable site with AdSense, this blog is for you. We'll take you from the very basic options AdSense offers, and slowly progress to more advanced topics like writing AdSense optimized content. We look forward to creating a comprehensive guide to AdSense for your benefit!

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Google's Adsense for content

Google's AdSense for Content
AdSense for content allows you to display ads relevant to your site's content. Under Google's current terms of service, you are allowed to display up to three ad units. Google allows you to choose to display text ad units, image ad units, or a combination of both. You can choose from the following ad formats (the best ad formats will be discussed in a later post:-
Leaderboard (728 x 90)-
Banner (468 x 60)-
Button (125x125)-
Half Banner (234x60)-
Skyscraper (120x600)-
Wide Skyscraper (160x600)-
Small Rectangle (180x150)-
Vertical Banner (120 x 240)-
Medium Rectangle (300 x 250)-
Square (250 x 250)-
Large Rectangle (336x280)
Once you pick the format of your ad unit, Google lets you choose the colors of the border, title, background, text, and URL of the ad unit. This is another very important topic that will be covered later because of its influence in determining the success of your ad unit. Once you have finished selecting the colors, you have the option to create a channel to track the performance of the ad unit. After that, select whether your ad will be placed on a webpage with frames, and what you want Google to do if it can't find any relevant ads to display. You are now done designing your AdSense ad unit! Copy the HTML, and paste it into your template. Google will crawl your webpage to determine its content, and shortly afterwards your page will begin displaying relevant ads. You are then paid for everytime a visitor to your website clicks one of the ads!

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