Sunday, October 22, 2006



Highly Targeted Traffic effectively increases popularity of you websiteVery low cost highly targeted traffic plans to greatly enhance your return on investment.
The problem with a new site is that it often takes a long time before it is indexed by the search engines. This means you are missing out on getting traffic and making sales. Google places new sites in the "sandbox" which means they are on "hold" for a period of time before they rank.
The main ways to gain traffic are:

1. Submit your site in chat rooms. This is a guaranteed hit. Youre guaranteed to at least get 50% of the people in the chat to visit your site. Imagine you submitting to over eighty people, and they all visit. That is a lot of hits!

2.Submit to Top Site Lists. It helps in some way. Most people
won't visit your site if it is a low rank, which isn't that good. So try
to take a top site list that lets the people vote. This way, even if
your hits aren't that good, you can possibly achieve a high rank.
Even if your site is a low rank, at least it is there.

3. Submit to specialty search engine directories you may wonder
why I havent mentioned submitting to the major search engines.
When you work on building the link popularity of your site, it
automatically places you in the main search engines.

You can also research the link partners of your competitors sites by entering your favorite keyword in the search engines. Once you have found a number of top ranked sites, download the Google toolbar and check their back links. This can save you a lot of time researching other areas to find quality links.

Once your site been indexed by the search engines and included in the directories, focus on adding more content and continue building your link popularity. This will help you to maintain and/or increase rankings with the result of gaining more traffic to your new web site.
The other best way to bring free traffic to your website is writing articles. With a little work on a monthly basis, writing articles, you will be surprised by all the free traffic this will bring to your website.

All you really need to write an article is a subject to write about. Choose something you know enough about to write about it. Whether it be about how to "organize a home based business", or if you are a stay at home mom, you could write an article "tips for work at home moms. There are endless possibilities to what you could write about.

After you have written an article, you will want to write a few sentences about yourself (this is known as a resource box). Make sure you have included your website address. To see an example of what a resource box is, look at the end of this article to see how I have done this.
Webmasters are always looking to publish articles. Why? Because it will help their Search Engine rankings, by providing useful content on their website. When you submit your articles to other websites, this will be beneficial to you as well. How?

When you have an article published on someone's site, a portion of their visitors will visit your site. Once you have submitted enough of your articles on the Internet, your traffic will dramatically increase and so will your Search Engine ranking. Make sure you add your articles to your own website because search engines love new content to a website.